Response & Remediation
What WE Do
At TGS, we specialize in swift and effective environmental response and remediation solutions. When unexpected challenges arise, our expert team mobilizes to address contamination, hazardous materials, and ecological restoration. Whether it’s soil remediation or groundwater cleanup, we are committed to restoring balance to our natural environment in an expediate and cost-effective manner.
Spill Response & Oversight
Saddle Tank Spills
Leaking Storage Tanks
Soil Excavation
In-Situ Groundwater Treatment
Innovative Treatment Technologies
Case Studies.
Case studies
Toluene Tanker Truck Accident, Response and Remediation
Western Pennsylvania
Once the initial response had effectively contained the situation, the task of characterizing and remediating the residual toluene began. The contamination extent was identified. A biological assessment of the creek ecosystem was completed. Soil remediation using soil vapor extraction (SVE) and excavation technologies were employed. Ultimately a Release from Liability Under the PADEP’s Act 2 Land Recycling Program was obtained.
TGS was instrumental in the rapid and successful handling of the massive undertaking. Our personnel oversaw the emergency response, completed extensive characterization and remedial efforts, interacted with, and acted as client liaison with PADEP, PENNDOT, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, and Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA).
Soil and Groundwater Remediation for a
Real Estate Transaction
Concentrations of gasoline constituents, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX) were identified in the soil and groundwater originating from a leaking fuel oil tank. The historic contamination was preventing the pending sale of the property. Approximately 100 tons of contaminated soil was excavated and incinerated at an off-site asphalt recycling facility. To address the contaminated groundwater and obtain Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) closure, an in-situ bioremediation was designed and implemented. Within three months of initiating the bioremediation BTEX concentrations in the groundwater were below laboratory detection limits. PADEP closure was obtained, and the sale proceeded.
Chemical Oxidation & Bioremediation
for Shallow Groundwater Contamination
Four leaking gasoline underground storage tanks (LUSTs) and impacted soil had been removed from a former automobile dealership. However, three years after removing the tanks there had been no progress in the remediation of the property. Persistent concentrations of BTEX in the groundwater prevented the pending sale of the property. TGS was hired and after reviewing the existing information and conducting a supplemental pilot study, an in-situ interceptor trench using chemical oxidation and bioremediation additives was designed and implemented. Within the first month of remediation, BTEX concentrations were within acceptable levels for closure and a “No Further Action” letter was obtained from the state regulator.
Groundwater Remediation at an Automobile Garage –
Managing Cleanup Costs
Longitude: 75° 24.23'W
Elevation: 380+/- feet msl